

About Us


Our lab currently focus on studying a chemokine receptor named CCR5. It is also a very important co-receptor for HIV infection, especially in the brain. We found that CCR5 also play a critical role in cognition and cognitive deficits. We hypothesize that cognitive decline with aging, AD, HIV infection, or some other neurological disorders will be ameliorated with CCR5 inhibition. 


Our Research Approach


Mouse behavior

We use mouse behavioral tasks, such as fear conditioning, open field, object recognition, social recognition, elevated plus maze, et al., to study cognitive performance in different mouse models. 


including constructing plasmids, measuring protein and mRNA expression


including immunostaining and in vitro imaging, and in vivo calcium imaging with miniscopes

Review writing

Students review latest progress in CCR5, microglia, dental disorders, and their impact on cognition.



HEC, 701 E. Second St.,
Pomona, CA 91766